NordicG3K |
Bren Ten Standard Model. |
08/11/02 |
Stu |
Blackened S&W 1076. |
08/26/02 |
Bruce |
Springfield Armory Omega with hard chromed slide. |
08/27/02 |
NordicG3K |
S&W 1006, 1076 & 1086. |
12/27/02 |
Scarab |
Bren Ten Marksman Special Match with hard chromed slide. |
02/06/03 |

August 11, 2002
I'm starting off this page with a pic of my Bren Ten Standard Model. Some day I hope to add a pair of smooth Herrett wood
grips to it! Some day that is...

August 26, 2002
Stu sends in a pic of his custom S&W 1076. I've never seen a blackened Smith & Wesson 10mm before and after seeing this one
I have to say that I'm surprised there aren't more out there. This is one good looking Smith!

August 27, 2002
This Springfield Omega comes from Bruce. That stainless slide looks awesome! One of the more interesting aspects of the Omega
is the use of dual-extractors. Looks like I've got another 10mm to add to my "must have" list.

December 27, 2002
I'm liking these Smith & Wesson 10xx series guns more and more! They're strong and well built, reliable, come in three six
different variations and even though they're no longer in production they're still available on the used gun market at reasonable
prices. I especially like the 1086 and it will soon be replacing my HK USP Compact .45 as my CCW gun.

February 6, 2003
Scarab sends in this really nice pic of his Bren Ten Marksman Special Match with hard chromed slide. The Marksmans are not
10mms, but they are Brens and so I felt it should be included. Notice the custom Bren stand!
