D-Max Industries
Model |
Description |
Status |
Rating |
D-Max 100C Carbine |
Sten-style carbine with 16.25" barrel and wood furniture.
Fires from modified M3 Greasegun mags. |
Discontinued |
D-Max 100P Pistol |
Sten-style pistol with 6" barrel and wood pistol grip.
Fires from modified M3 Greasegun mags. |
Discontinued |
Additional Notes: The D-Max carbine and pistol are an interesting
concept, but apparently just wasn't practical enough to make it. These are extremely rare guns in any variation or caliber. |

Thanks to Les for this great pic of his D-Max 10mm pistol and carbine. |
Beginning production in 1985, D-Max Industries built both a carbine and pistol based roughly on the British Sten design. Both
guns use a side-feeding 30-round magazine and were available in 10mm Auto, .45 ACP, .41 AE, .40 S&W, .38 Super and 9mm Parabellum.
The stock (on the carbine), pistol grip and forearm are made of smooth walnut while and the vented barrel shroud is made from
aluminum. All exterior metal surfaces are parkerized and then given a "MAX-Coat" finish. Barrel length for the carbine is
16.25" while the pistol barrel is only 6" in length. Retail prices for the guns were listed as $477 for the pistol and $487
for the carbine.
D-Max 100C Carbine -
D-Max 100P Pistol -
When I first heard of and saw pictures of this gun I thought it looked like something someone made in their garage hammered
out of old coffee cans and broken baseball bats. It just looked ugly! After reading the February '91 article in American Survival
Guide however I find myself much more interested. While magazine articles are often overly positive in their reviews of guns
(advertising you know) I still think I might just pick one up if I ever had the chance. While the design isn't exactly a thing
of beauty, from the pictures in the article it looks like the guns are well made. Additionally the author was able to shoot
some pretty respectable groups with both the carbine (10mm Auto) and the pistol (.45 ACP).
Shooting Characteristics
Unfortunately I do not have any first hand experiences with the D-Max guns. They look like they'd be a lot of fun to shoot,
and from the two articles I've read they are supposed to be reliable and accurate. Other than that though, I have no information
on how these guns shoot.
February 1991 American Survival Guide
This article, by Jim Benson, covers the D-Max 10mm carbine and the D-Max pistol in .45 ACP. Mr. Benson notes that these guns
were designed specifically for use by law enforcement, but were also made available to the public. Both guns were said to
be quite accurate and no malfunctions were encountered.
February 1991 Gun World
This article, by Dean A. Grennell, is actually more of a review of various 10mm loadings shot through different guns and barrel
lengths. One of the guns used, however, is a D-Max 100P pistol. It's still an interesting read and does include some specific
information on the D-Max pistol.
Advertisement & Contest
Looking for more information on the D-Max guns I came across these two ads. The first one is simply an advertisement from
D-Max Industries. The second is from a magazine contest in which a D-Max 10mm carbine is listed as first prize.
